Our Prices

At Moredge we believe in providing the best service we can, in a calm and friendly atmosphere but can still provide our service at exceptional value.

Introductory puppy


A taster of what hydrotherapy is like for healthy dogs under 8 months old. 

Initial Consultation


To develop a tailor made plan and introduce you to Moredge. Includes first session.

Hydrotherapy Session


A 30 minute session using the pool or aquatic treadmill. Including shower and admin. 

Two Therapist fee


Dogs that have special conditions need two hydrotherapists and extra care.



The initial consultation is £65 and lasts for one hour. Follow up consultations last for 45 minutes and cost £45. Services are provided by Nancy Dear. 



Our Range of supplements are now here! drop by Moredge to pick some up, or contact us for more info.